Category Archives: Uncategorized

Transforming Fear


Can you believe we have been living under  the influence of the Corona Virus for almost a year?

Those with precognitive abilities say that in the decades to come it will be found that more people died of the fear of the virus than of the virus itself.  

As a collective, we are learning a lot about fear; how quickly it can divide and create separation, and how masterfully it can generate dis – ease.  We are powerful enough to mis-create in enormous ways through our fear, so why not choose to use our power to create our lives consciously, by understanding and transforming the fears that trouble us?  Why not use our power to create our lives in beautiful ways that support ourselves and others in the highest?

I will be hosting a Zoom session at 6:30 MST on Thursday, February 11th to empower you in transforming unhelpful fear based patterns.  

Fear has components that are well known and have been extensively studied.  Fear is a thought form, which then becomes a belief when the mind has re-visited the thought often enough.  When the mind attaches to the fear,  emotions are created, and physiological responses occur in the body, leading to dis – ease.  The imbalance can then manifest in a variety of ways, often leading to health issues.  Within this chain of events, it is helpful to recognize that at its origin, fear is energy, and energy is easy to shift. 

 Through a group meditation format, we will identify various fears and shift the resulting energy patterns.  We will consciously replace them with new ones that are helpful, balancing and empowering.

The investment for the Zoom session is $12, and includes a video.  You can purchase the  session via Paypal or your Credit Card with the button below, OR


with VENMO using this link:

I will then send a Zoom invitation to you via email.  Hope to see you on Thursday February 11, 2021 at 6:30 MST!


Cusp of an energy revolution


​As we are collectively navigating through the Eclipse/Solstice season of this surreal year, I’ve been seeing a similar message being presented in a variety of ways:  We are at the cusp of an energy revolution.  And we are entering the most intensified purification process that the Earth and the human kingdom has ever experienced.    Here’s a profound message from Maryam Hasnaa for you to ponder.

Your subtle feelings will soon become your primary guidance system for navigating through your experience. We need a certain level of life force energy to live our purpose. Our sources of internal energy come from channeling life force through us, as us, in the highest vibration. This vibration is that of pure joy, lightness, happiness, truth, grace, understanding and most simply love. It comes from the sun, food, the breath, sleep, exercise, experiences that uplift and nourish, recharging and a vast range of spiritual practices, such as meditation. Self care, self love and energetic boundaries are medicine for the soul. They are crucial to our well being and no longer considered a luxury. The new currency is vital life force energy exchange. 

A primary part of this consciousness shift is that we are increasing the vibration of our physical bodies to higher frequencies so that we can absorb more energy at the DNA level. Absorbing the wrong energy around us can deplete our ability to store internal energy. It is often necessary to clear out these energies before we can begin to truly tap into our own power. This may mean removing yourself from certain situations that feel depleting, letting negative relationships go, learning how to shield yourself properly, learning how to clear energy and most importantly learning how to cultivate higher energy vibration. 

It is imperative to learn energy practices for how you want to manage yourself as Spirit in a physical vessel. Pure source energy rejuvenates and creates without depletion. It is renewable and endless. It has the ability to heal and expand in ways that can transform all that comes in contact with it. 

Raising the vibration consists of clearing out dense energy that no longer serve us. It is the process of infusing our body with light. This can transform our physical bodies and elevate our consciousness. Learning to function as a multidimensional being, we can begin to step into our infinite potential. For most, this is a drastic lifestyle change. It requires mindfulness with every aspect of our being including what we eat, who we spend time with, what we expose our senses to, how we spend our time, what we think, what we speak into creation and most certainly healing our emotions and transcending our limited world view. 

When you make a commitment to this process of raising your vibration, expect to see dramatic changes. You may see all of your relationships transform. You may be surrounded by people who do not understand this process. You may feel compelled to move out of the environment that you are living in. You may feel confused and alone at times, questioning why you feel called to make such changes. It all depends on your own soul’s personal journey. The shift begins to happen on the very subtle etheric plane, the realm of thought and intention. Then with consistency and time, you eventually begin to see the fruits of the changes you made, manifesting into the physical realm, the realm of creation.

This is a path of being true to yourself, listening to the heart, living in the now moment and following your bliss. This path is about trusting the divine plan and the perfect unfoldment of life’s greatest miracles. This is the time we have chosen to awaken and fully step into our divine nature. Be certain that this planetary shift is happening beneath the surface in ways that are beyond what we can imagine. 

~ Maryam Hasnaa


Need a last minute Gift?


Gift Certificates ~

Send a Gift certificate to your special someone directly via email.   Ask me about the details!




Quantum Healing Sessions ~

Schedule a Quantum Healing Session
$125.00 – 150.00 US for a one hour session. 
I have a sliding scale, and the ‘Pay Now’ button above will apply a fee of $150.  If you would like to pay a lesser amount, contact me via email.  If you choose to pay the full rate, then you would make your purchase before sending me an e-mail at  I will get a notification, and contact you by email to set up our session!


Look/See Mini Session ~

These are a mini version of the Quantum Healing Sessions.  In 30 minutes or less, I will look clairvoyantly at a single issue that you would like help with. I’ll shift the energy and communicate with you as I do.

These Mini sessions are perfect in a variety of ways:
  • If you have a single issue that you want some help with
  • If you’re on a budget
  • You haven’t tried my sessions before, and would like to sample the work before you invest in a full session.
  • As a gift
  • You are concerned with social distancing, and a phone/distance healing feels safe
$66.00 US  ~ 

After you have made your purchase, you may send an e-mail to me at with your email address, and the times and days that work best for you.   I will get a notification, and contact you by email to create our session!

Creating Spaces ~ Attunements

Healing and clearing attunements for homes, offices, and all of your spaces

$125.00 – $150.00 US for a one hour session.

Every space carries thought forms, which are vibrational blueprints that hold instructions for manifesting reality.

There is a predominate vibrational blueprint that influences each space.Thought forms leave a residue, so when the predominate energy conflicts with you in your alignment – you will feel uncomfortable.As more people are waking up, their sensitivity is increasing.They are noticing and feeling things that they haven’t in the past, and it’s becoming more important to find the tools to work with that.

These sessions help you to create a space that is peaceful, supportive and cohesive in a way that nurtures you. If you are in a life transition, looking to shift old and outdated patterns, interested in creating new energetics that support you in a positive growth forward, or wanting to create an environment that supports your intention and highest life – try a session to re-create your space!

Read more and book a session.


Receive Blog posts

I write regular Blog postings with a focus on awareness and cultivating consciousness.  If you would like to receive my latest postings via email, feel free to sign up in the space provided the left hand column of each page of my website.



Moving into 5D

What an interesting time here on planet Earth!  The Polarity is increasing in obvious ways.  While part of the Collective is engaged in the 3D issues, something very beautiful is occurring in the 5D. 

I have spent the past months immersed in the teachings of those who are awakened, and have found a theme that keeps repeating: We have the choice to rise into a higher Consciousness that brings things like Peace, Harmony, Compassion, Balance, Love and Unity or we can choose to remain in the lower levels of pain, suffering, separation, lack, and fighting for all that our Ego is desperately trying to hold onto.  The choice is ours; but to get to the higher octaves of vibration – we must first become aware of the patterns that keep us in the lower levels, and then transform them.

If you are struggling at this time, I have some FREE RESOURCES to offer you:

ONE SIMPLE TOOL TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE – given by Tracy L Clark.  Difficult thoughts and emotions are coming up for everyone, and this short video shows a technique to use when you become aware of an unhelpful pattern (fear, anger, judgement, negative repeating thoughts etc…).   It helps your body to stop the circuitry that keeps unhelpful thoughts and emotions looping endlessly; so that you can re-frame, let go, and create balance within.  Here’s that link:

If you like Tracy’s style and you want to learn more – she has a helpful website with lots of free tools.

Unity Sunday Meditations with Sandra Walters; meditate on your own and join others through the field.  Sandra also has a newsletter and many free YouTube videos that give tools and helpful insights around where we are going in the higher vibrations and how to get there.  Here’s a link to her website:

Kryon Healing Wednesdays – the first Wednesday of each month provides a healing from the Kryon energies that are specific to healing each individual in their highest good.  I attended the first one last night, and was deeply touched. Here’s a link for the replay:

Jim Self and his partner Roxanne- I frequently recommend Jim Self because he speaks in a practical, no-nonsense way that is clear and concise.  He also gives a wonderful overview of the energetics behind events, and leads simple and effective meditations that people with or without much experience can benefit from equally.

Here’s a quick video link called ‘What’s the State of Your World?’ It gives you an idea of how Jim and Roxanne work together and their observations of our current situation from an energetic and conscious viewpoint.

Park Bench project; is a free meditation on the 2nd Sunday of each month that Jim and Roxanne provide.  You can attend live or listen to a replay in your free time.  These sessions allow you to heal yourself as well as helping others, and they are quite beautiful.  Here’s a link that about the Results of Park Bench project so far:

And if you like it, you can join Park Bench Project here


If you are doing well and would like to be of service, but don’t know how; I have a few practices that I could share.  Project Park Bench (from above) would certainly be one thing to try.

Another thing that I’ve found helpful is to spend as much time as I can in Nature.  Gaia is shifting, and the Divine feminine energy is coming in like never before.  Our light bodies are enhancing and new codes are coming online.

I’ve been hiking in the high Colorado mountains, above the noise and static of the collective.  It’s where I can best connect with Consciousness.   I use the hike as a moving meditation, and in my practice I am intentionally creating coherence, or that feeling of being ‘at one’ with all things. Once I am in coherence, I bless everything and everyone I see.  As I do this, I feel an ‘echo’ or response, coming back to me.  This is consciousness reflecting back to me.  And from this place of co-creation I receive a lot; it may be information about my next steps or some type of new and higher understanding.  I always receive a healing for myself and return home happy and balanced.  

The old is leaving, and we all are walking into the new and unknown in a way that we have no references points for.  We have never been at this place before, so go easy on yourselves…. The new energy is all about vibration and we are the very beginning of a new process; learning a completely different way of being and creating, through discovering our own Divine selves and co-creating with Source. 

If you would like to learn more about coherence, here’s a video:

I have also found the Paul Selig books to be very helpful in working with consciousness, our alignment, and the echo that consciousness reflects back to us.

No matter what is happening around you, first take care of yourself. When you are balanced, all things will be gradually added to your life, and the changes you have asked for will occur.
~ Kryon

Nervous System Rebalancing Special

Our nervous systems have been in fight or flight on a steady basis since March (or before), so I’m offering a special to help in shifting patterns of fight or flight into a neutral state of balance.  Sessions can work in two ways:  If you are in Boulder, you can come in for a Cranio-sacral therapy session, and if you aren’t, we can work at a Distance through a phone session.  It’s all energy – so the work is effective either way!

 A session at the discounted rate of $125.00 US can be purchased until October 1, 2020; and may be completed anytime before October 15th, 2020.  Sessions may be also be purchased as a gift!  

Use this link to learn more and book a session:


Creating Spaces

Attunements for your homes,  offices, and all of your spaces
There is a predominate vibrational blueprint that influences each space.  Thought forms leave a residue, so when the predominate energy conflicts with you in your alignment – you will feel uncomfortable.  As more people are waking up, their sensitivity is increasing.  They are noticing and feeling things that they haven’t in the past, and it’s becoming more important to find the tools to work with that.

These sessions help you to create a space that is peaceful, supportive and cohesive in a way that nurtures you. If you are in a life transition, looking to shift old and outdated patterns, interested in creating new energetics that support you in a positive growth forward, or wanting to create an environment that supports your intention and highest life – try a session to re-create your space!

$125.00 – 150.00 US  (sliding scale) for a one hour session. 

Use this link to learn more and book a session:

Receive Blog posts

I write regular Blog postings with a focus on awareness and cultivating consciousness.  If you would like to receive my latest postings via email, feel free to sign up in the space provided the left hand column of each page of my website.
Gift Certificates

Available for all sessions.  Ask me about the details!


The Reset


There is a new and very different quality of light coming in and influencing Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants. It is shifting consciousness and dimensional awareness, and amplifying zero point dynamics. It assists the photonic higher positive order: Divine Love, Divine Light, Divine Will.

This means all of our thoughts, emotions and actions are amplified – across the board, positive or negative. The new light bolsters the sorting out of realities; amplifying the Source request for a brand new harmonic to be the norm. It shakes apart (literally a quantum vibration) anything which does not harmonize with the new light level, hence the dismantling of realities currently in progress.

Yes, it’s quite the show. It is also a powerful opportunity to review responsible creation: who is comprehending and resonating with the new light, and who is getting torn apart. 

Embodiment of higher DNA codes, and these new frequencies of the Higher realms of Self, dissolves the illusion of lower self. We lose the old identity as the Christed/Crystalline/Unified Self steps forth. Not in an instant (that would destroy the body.) Slow enough to observe it falling away, slow enough to recalibrate the ego, slow enough to experience Ascension as a collective, slow enough to witness every moment of Divine transformation.

~ Sandra Walter

Many of us are awake now and we are in various stages of Ascension.  On this path of embodiment, one inevitably realizes that they have thoughts, beliefs, patterns and manifestations that are not in alignment with their highest potentials and goals.

We are energetic beings, and energy is as physical as a table or a chair. Energy occupies space. So when you clear energy, you make room for new, better-feeling, higher-vibrational energies to come in and take the place of what you have cleared.

Quantum Healing Sessions help facilitate the alignments required for us to operate in the higher vibrational octaves of experience.  All sessions are a form of distant healing and are given by phone, Zoom. or Whats Ap.  The client brings an intention into the session with 2 – 3 issues/challenges and their goals.  Once we are connected I will create a safe space for the session.  The client will talk about their issues/intentions, while I read their energy field as it is currently presenting. 

Energy frequencies are cleared that are not in alignment with your highest goals and intentions, creating more space for what you are wanting.  I’ll provide some insight and energy healing as is appropriate, and attune your energy field to a higher vibration.

From this higher level of alignment one experiences a healing.  They may feel different energetically, have more clarity, find that something has healed physically, experience a shift in their perception, and see new levels of freedom and choice.   

As one opens up to higher frequency energies, they begin to entrain or entangle with the higher levels of consciousness.  As this connection develops, it leads one to a much greater understanding of their higher purpose in this lifetime.  Their perception changes, limitations are dropped, and with that; they are able to receive more of the beautiful gifts from the higher octaves of consciousness.


Sessions can be helpful in many ways  


  • If you are feeling overwhelmed or fearful
  • Letting go of thoughts and beliefs that don’t serve
  • If you are feeling stuck
  • Working with emotions
  • Healing trauma
  • Obstacles in Love
  • Relationships
  • Healing your body
  • Work and Career
  • Finances
  • If a pattern keeps repeating and you don’t know how to transform it
  • Learning to identify and work with your triggers 
  • Finding and standing in your power
  • Setting healthy boundaries
  • Making new agreements
  • Learning and practicing discernment
  • Re-patterning the past
  • Learning about frequency and the benefits of holding a high vibration regardless of the circumstances
  • Creating coherence



Quantum Healing Reset Special

 A session at the discounted rate of $125.00 US can be purchased until June 1, 2020; and may be completed anytime before June 15th, 2020.  Sessions may be also be purchased as a gift!  

$125.00 US 

After you have made your purchase, you may send an e-mail to me at with your email address, and the times and days that work best for you.  Please use the same email address and name you used for the PayPal payment, or notify me if it is different.   Paypal will send me a notification, and I will contact you by email to create our session!




Creating Spaces

Attunements for your homes,  offices, and all of your spaces

There is a predominate vibrational blueprint that influences each space.  Thought forms leave a residue, so when the predominate energy conflicts with you in your alignment – you will feel uncomfortable.  As more people are waking up, their sensitivity is increasing.  They are noticing and feeling things that they haven’t in the past, and it’s becoming more important to find the tools to work with that.

These sessions help you to create a space that is peaceful, supportive and cohesive in a way that nurtures you. If you are in a life transition, looking to shift old and outdated patterns, interested in creating new energetics that support you in a positive growth forward, or wanting to create an environment that supports your intention and highest life – try a session to re-create your space!

$125.00 – 150.00 US for a one hour session. 

I have a sliding scale, and the ‘Pay Now’ button above will apply a fee of $150.  If you would like to pay a lesser amount, contact me via email.  If you choose to pay the full rate, then you would make your purchase before sending me an e-mail at  Please include your email address, and the times and days that work best for you.  It would be helpful to use the same email address and name you used for the PayPal payment, or to notify me if it is different.   I will reply by email to set up our session!


Receive Blog posts

I write regular Blog postings with a focus on awareness and cultivating consciousness.  If you would like to receive my latest postings via email, feel free to sign up in the space provided the left hand column of each page of my website.


Gift Certificates

Available for all sessions.  Ask me about the details!








Back in the 1990’s I took a Polarity Therapy training.  Our program included hands on healing techniques, polarity yoga, and a vegetarian diet that emphasizes food combining .  The focus of Polarity therapy is to create balance and healing in the body. 

One of the dietary practices that the class shared each morning was a Liver Flush followed by Polari-tea.  We started each morning with the flush, did some yoga, and followed that with tea.  The routine lasted for about 3 months and I felt wonderful! 

As the fear and craziness as swept through our planet, that memory re-surfaced as a resource, and I’ve started that morning routine back up again.  It’s health building, and it feels good in the body.   Give it a try and see how your immune system feels!

Liver Flush recipe – 

  • Mix in the blender:
  • 1 -3 Tbsp. pure, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, almond oil or sesame oil.
  • 1/2 – 1 fresh squeezed lemon, or  about 4-6 oz lime juice.
  • 1 Cup of pure orange/apple juice – or juice of one fresh grapefruit or 1-2 oranges.
  • 1-3 cloves of crushed fresh garlic.
  • A pinch of cayenne powder if desired.
  • drink slowly 

Follow with the Polari-Tea –

I make a container of equal parts of:
  •                 flax seeds
  •                 fenugreek seeds
  •                 fennel seeds

Add 2 TBSP of the mixture to 3 cups of water and bring to a slow boil.   Simmer for about 10-12 minutes.

Add 1 tsp.  of peppermint leaves once you turn off the flame, and let stand for a minute or two.

This will normally fill you up, and could tide you over until lunch.



If you would like to add to the routine, or try something with less effort, you could also work with your water.  When we were at the Casa de dom Inacio, taking blessed water was a part of the prescribed healing plan.  We were advised to have at least a bottle a day.  Medium Joao would bless it, and people had amazing results. 
During that same time, Dr. Masaru Emoto published his findings on water.  He documented how the water changes its formation as its environment changes.  It was remarkable to see how water can turn putrid in horrible conditions and thrive as you send it love. 
These findings also translate for the human body.  Our bodies are at least 60% water, and 2/3 of that is within the cellular structure.  Dr. Emoto was proving that we can heal our bodies by creating a favorable environment.  We can do this by intention; sending positive loving energy into the water that we drink which then travels through our cellular structure to help our bodies repair, restore and rejuvenate.

It’s easy to place your hands on any water container and send it instructions; of love, healing, peace, or anything you are wanting for yourself.  And as you drink the water, you can visualize it connecting and merging with the water in your body, traveling throughout every cell from your head to your toes – reinforcing your intentions of perfect health, balance, peace, and all things good.

By addressing water magnetically, you are actually changing the life within it. This then changes the reactions within your body to the water. You actually touch into the multi-dimensionality of a certain kind of life that lives in the water.

(From Book 8)



 Quantum Healing sessions ~

 The Universe is supporting all of us to take inspired action!  Source energy  is magnified with the influence of Neptune and the sign of Pisces. Each one of us is being called to open to new levels of awareness, compassion, and the mystical realms.  Use a session to help you to align to the Miracle of possibilities that are available with this portal opening.  Create blessings in your personal and collective world for the higher good of all.


$125.00 US for a one hour session.

 ** Your session at the discounted rate of  $125.00 US can be purchased until April 15, 2020; and may be completed anytime before April 30th, 2020.  Sessions may be also be purchased as a gift! After you have made your purchase, you may send an e-mail to me at with your email address, and the times and days that work best for you.  Please use the same email address and name you used for the PayPal payment, or notify me if it is different.   I will contact you by email to set up our session. 


Gift Certificates

Available for all sessions.  Ask me about the details!



Receive Blog posts

I write regular Blog postings with a focus on awareness and cultivating consciousness.  If you would like to receive my latest postings via email, feel free to sign up in the space provided the left hand column of each page of my website.



The dissolving Veil


While I was writing my post this month, I came upon an Astrology report from an Astrologer that I really resonate with.   I found that Govinda had already written down all of the major trends that I’ve been noticing!  Not only does the report apply for the full moon, but it also encompasses the larger trends of this time.   It was a lovely synchronicity…  I hope you enjoy his report and find it helpful.


Full Moon in Virgo
Sun in Pisces

19 degrees, 37 minutes
Monday, March 9, 2020
10:48 am (PDT)

Pay attention to the details of your life and put your focus on some form of service. This is what the Full Moon in Virgo is about – details and service. This is the perfect time for intellectual pursuits, research and taking care of the functional aspects of your life. At the same time, you may feel shy and become more inward during this Full Moon. This is because Virgo energies promote self-criticism and self-awareness. Virgo energy is mostly about perfection and the awareness of your body and health. Take care of your health, exercise and eat healthy, non-GMO and certified organic foods. Afterall, your body is the only ‘house’ you have for your Spirit to reside in.

The Sun in Pisces awakens us to higher possibilities and the Virgo energies of the Full Moon stimulate and support us to organize and direct our lives towards humble service and the healing of our physical and emotional realities. 

At the time of this Full Moon there is a powerful and profound Stellium (a large Conjunction) of four celestial bodies, including Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto (all in the sign of Capricorn). This dynamic lineup is reflecting an exposure of the shadow energies of the structures in our world, including governments, religious organizations, financial institutions, corporations and so on. We, as individuals and the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, are being urged to purge, transform and heal those structures that are not in the higher vibration of love and compassion.

Also, this is an alignment of Miracle possibilities that can be directed to create blessings in our personal and collective world for the higher good of all.

This Stellium is a wake-up call for Humanity to take a stand for higher principles and spiritual wisdom. Divine Truth is now being intuitively downloaded into the Collective Consciousness, “For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.”

An alignment (Conjunction) of the Sun and Neptune (in Pisces) brings awareness that the veil between the spiritual and the physical realms is dissolving. As this veil dissolves, we will have opportunities to develop an even stronger, more conscious connection with our spiritual, mystical side.

Pay attention to any subtle feelings that may be gently calling you or guiding. These may be intuitive promptings from your spiritual guidance.

With this Full Moon we have an Opposition Aspect between the Sun Conjunct Neptune (in Pisces) and the Moon (in Virgo) indicating possible conflicts in idealistic and spiritual points of view. There may be misunderstandings, confusions and deceptions between people, factions and organizations. Our religious and spiritual beliefs may be challenged and turned upside down.

For some of us, this may feel like the ‘Dark Night of the Soul’. We may come to realize that pretty much everything that we were taught and believed in is not real. We may feel that we have dedicated a significant part of our lives to something that we now discover is false. This could lead to a total dismantling of our old belief systems. What a wonderful possibility this is!

Many things may seem vague, indecisive and confusing now. Remember to question everything! Follow your heart and your inner knowing. Meditation helps you to do this. Learn to be mindful and know how you truly feel – not how someone tells you to feel or think you should feel. Do not allow yourself to be led by the beliefs of others. Always ask yourself, “Do I feel good and at peace, or do I feel uncomfortable and uneasy with what is being presented to me?” By understanding and following your true feelings and inner knowing, you will be at peace with your choices.

Also, the increase of Pisces and Neptune energies are increasing our empathic sensitivity to the energies of other people and our environment. This is likely to affect your sense of wellbeing. When another person is having a negative emotion, it may feel like it is your emotion. This can be confusing and disconcerting. Learn to recognize what is yours and what is not. Spending quality time alone, meditating and communing with beautiful nature supports awareness of what is your energy and what is not yours.

This is the time to be aware of what you are feeling and to use discernment. The influence of Neptune and the sign of Pisces support an opening in awareness of the mystical realms, including a wide range of energies from higher divine feminine frequencies and spiritual guidance on one end of the spectrum, to lower psychic, confusing and disturbing frequencies on the other end of the spectrum.

On the other hand, this increasing sensitivity may also open us up to feelings of deep compassion, kindness and intuition. If you are feeling guided to take some altruistic action, be sure to follow your heart and consider what is for the higher good of all. 

On a positive note, the Moon is Trine to the Stellium (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto in Capricorn). This alignment indicates a special time for taking inspired action! We have the energy of Source available for us to support commitments and structures for the wellbeing of Humanity and Nature. Follow your inspirations and commit to what you truly believe in. Connect and co-create with like-minded people who are kind and compassionate and have service for the good of Humanity as their focus.

If you are not already practicing meditation, now is the perfect time to begin.

In Love & Appreciation,

Govinda :



Quantum Healing sessions ~

The Universe is supporting all of us to take inspired action!  Source energy  is magnified with the influence of Neptune and the sign of Pisces. Each one of us is being called to open to new levels of awareness, compassion, and the mystical realms.  Use a session to help you to align to the Miracle of possibilities that are available with this portal opening.  Create blessings in your personal and collective world for the higher good of all.


$125.00 US for a one hour session.


 ** Your session at the discounted rate of  $125.00 US can be purchased until April 15, 2020; and may be completed anytime before April 30th, 2020.  Sessions may be also be purchased as a gift! 

After you have made your purchase, you may send an e-mail to me at with your email address, and the times and days that work best for you.  Please use the same email address and name you used for the PayPal payment, or notify me if it is different.   I will contact you by email to set up our session.



Gift Certificates

Available for all sessions.  Ask me about the details!



Receive Blog posts


I write regular Blog postings with a focus on awareness and cultivating consciousness.  If you would like to receive my latest postings via email, feel free to sign up in the space provided the left hand column of each page of my website.


Higher Octave Heart Creation



Energies are coming in that are asking us to let go. Everywhere you look, old structures are breaking down.  Systems are no longer working, and the environment of the world is changing drastically.  We are beginning to see things with a new level of clarity.  And as we see things more clearly, one of the tendencies of the collective is to point out what isn’t working, while clinging to the old and familiar ways.  

I’m seeing a message repeated over and over by various awakened souls. They say that in the bigger picture, humanity has gone as far as it could in the old paradigm.  To continue further without change would lead to our extinction.  We are all shifting, whether we are doing this consciously or not.  Some of the advantages of doing it consciously is that it gives us choice, leads us to self-empowerment and creates a relationship with new levels of support from our higher power.  The other way is much harder…

We are being asked  to find the strength to let go of what is familiar, to let go of attachments, and to let go of any part of ourselves that is invested in the idea  of separation. We are stripping away the egoic self, layer by layer, as we become our higher selves.  As we do this – we will encounter our survival instincts, limiting thoughts, judgements and beliefs.  Light workers  are already doing this – and we will continue to tap into the deeper layers of our subconscious.  The deeply held unconscious programs that mis-create in our lives are coming up to be transformed.

Consciousness of humanity is starting to shift, and one of the ways to see this is through becoming aware of outdated forms of consciousness, and how they present.  Older forms of consciousness are very militaristic and authoritative.  The Moto is “don’t let the troops, or the children, or the citizens think for themselves, because if they do – there will be rebellion.”  Separation is a theme, along with a need for everyone to be alike and fit into the frameworks that have been labeled as ‘correct’.

A predominate thought In the old energy consciousness is that it’s best to keep a lid on the thinking of the masses.  In the military it’s worked well to fight battles.  The soldiers listen to and act on commands.  They are not encouraged to think for themselves.  They don’t want free thinkers, rather they want those who will obey without question. That’s how you fight battles…  Divide and conquer.

And if you think about it, so much of our lives have been battles.  We battle each other, country to country, religion to religion, thought to thought, group to group, corporation to corporation, it has all been a battle.  That is changing.

The whole idea of competing thought is changing.  We are beginning to have a confluence of energy that shifts competition and separation into working together. If you stop the concept of true competition where the winner takes all; that changes our government, corporations, and product competition.

The new energies that are coming together  create more than the sum, and there’s added energy with compassion.   In a new, more compassionate paradigm there is no fear of rebellion.  Rather, the more we come together in cooperation, the higher the consciousness becomes on the planet, and the better we do. Free thinkers are welcome in the new paradigm.  Cooperation, along with thinking outside of the box, creates new opportunities in every aspect  – from the practicalities of simply getting along to sharing resources.

So how do we have more compassion and create together?

By each of us doing the work needed on ourselves individually…  By being honest about where we are out of alignment and transforming that.  We become alchemists – consciously bringing love and consciousness into our  perceived separation, wounds and shadows.   As we embrace ourselves fully, we are raising our vibration and shifting into the higher dimensions.  

Through the process of loving ourselves, our hearts open and a higher octave energy is created. That connection links us to higher levels of support.  The more we cultivate this relationship, the higher our vibration becomes.  We emanate this higher frequency vibration throughout our being, and we channel the higher octave energy in everything we do – raising our thoughts, words, and actions to higher levels.  This is then mirrored back to us in our external world.  Embodiment changes everything!

Sources ~ Lee Carroll and Daniel Scranton


Twofer Special ~ Quantum Healing sessions

Because sometimes two is better than one ~ 

I have created this special as an incentive to do the individual work that is presenting for all of us at this time.  It’s easier to shift with support, and everything changes with Embodiment!

Buy one Quantum Healing session at the full rate and receive a 2nd half off. The first session is $150, and the 2nd is $75 for a total of $225.


Refer a friend for a Quantum Healing session at the full rate of $150 and receive a session for yourself at half price ($75).

$225.00 US for two one hour sessions.


** Two sessions at the discounted rate of $225.00 US can be purchased until March 1, 2020; and may be completed anytime before March 15th, 2020.  Sessions may be also be purchased as a gift! 

After you have made your purchase, you may send an e-mail to me at with your email address, and the times and days that work best for you.  Please use the same email address and name you used for the PayPal payment, or notify me if it is different.   I will contact you by email to set up our session.



Gift Certificates

Available for all sessions.  Ask me about the details!



Receive Blog posts

I write regular Blog postings with a focus on awareness and cultivating consciousness.  If you would like to receive my latest postings via email, feel free to sign up in the space provided the left hand column of each page of my website.



Creating Spaces



The news for 2020 has a few predominate themes: intensity, duality, and breaking down old structures and ways of doing things that no longer serve.  Humanity is in a ‘game changing’ phase. 

Waves of light are bombarding our planet.  They contain codes of higher octave frequencies that will completely change our current version of reality.  The power structures and the geometric grids that have held up the old 3d version of life are collapsing as the higher frequencies merge their light into the old structures.  Everything and everyone is being shifted into a completely new reality as the hologram finds its new balance. 

Things will continue to amp up, and it’s becoming more important to have a space that feels good, where you can recharge and regroup.

All spaces hold thought forms, which are actually vibrational blueprints that hold instructions for manifesting reality.


There is a predominate vibrational blueprint that influences every space.  Thought forms leave a residue which may or may not be helpful, outdated, or in line with your values and beliefs.  So when the predominate energy blueprint of a space conflicts with you in your alignment – you will feel uncomfortable.  As more people are waking up, their sensitivity is increasing.  They are noticing and feeling things that they haven’t in the past, and it’s becoming more important to find the tools to work with that.

One way to understand the concept of a vibrational blueprint is by imagining yourself in a library for a few moments.  You can see rows of books and people quietly reading…  Now imagine a bar that features rock bands, drink specials, and free admission for ladies.  The two spaces will feel completely different from one another – even when they are closed, when all of the people have left, and the spaces are empty.

As the world becomes more chaotic and crazy, and people become more sensitive to it;  having a safe place to retreat to becomes paramount.  I’m offering Attunements for Spaces to actively create vibrational blueprints that are supportive for you in the spaces you spend time in. 

Sessions for the home are especially helpful with transitions and creating your next steps.  For example; after a break-up an Attunement will assist the person that is staying in the home to move forward with helpful energetics, rather than being immersed in the lingering thought forms that were created during the failed relationship.

In the office, an Attunement would be helpful when there’s a new boss (or when you’re the new boss) in creating a new agreement with an updated set of instructions/expectations and cohesion.

Atunements become important when you are moving into a new location or completely changing the theme of the space. For example, you find the perfect location for your new business, but realize that its four past inhabitants had failed businesses, or were engaged in something that doesn’t align with your values.

People pick up on energy.  We’ve all walked into a room and remembered (again) an argument that we would have done differently.  We may find ourselves replaying the scenario in our minds although the actual event has long passed.  This is an example of a lingering thought form. 

Even if a person’s personality isn’t aware of it, they will choose to avoid or go towards a particular area.  We’ve all seen this with two gas stations in the same area.  Both are easy to get to and have the same gas prices – yet one thrives and the other does not!  Since you have a choice – why not create your spaces in ways that enhance and support your highest intentions?

If you are in a life transition, wanting to shift old patterns and create new energetics that support you in a positive growth forward, or simply wanting to create an environment that supports your highest intentions and potentials – an Attunement session would be helpful!


Creating Spaces Special 

These sessions help you to create a space that is cohesive in a way that supports you. If you are in a life transition, looking to shift old and outdated patterns, interested in creating new energetics that support you in a positive growth forward, or wanting to create an environment that supports your intention and highest life – try a session to re-create your space!

Healing and Clearing Atunements for homes, offices, and all of your spaces

$125.00 US for a one hour session. 


After you have made your purchase, you may send an e-mail to me at with your email address, and the times and days that work best for you.  Please use the same email address and name you used for the PayPal payment, or notify me if it is different.   I will contact you by email to set up our session.

** A session at the discounted rate of $125.00 US can be purchased until February 20, 2020; and may be completed anytime before February 29th, 2020.  Sessions may be also be purchased as a gift!  


Gift Certificates

Available for all sessions.  Ask me about the details!



Receive Blog posts

I write regular Blog postings with a focus on awareness and cultivating consciousness.  If you would like to receive my latest postings via email, feel free to sign up in the space provided the left hand column of each page of my website.





The Sacred Geometry of December 2019




The sacred geometry configuration of this month is profound.  December’s full moon (called the Cold Moon) will be at its peak on 12/12 at 12:12.  Twelve has significance when it comes to our relative understanding of space and time. There are 12 months in a year, and our days are split in two groups of 12 hours.  In numerology the number 12 also represents a 3 (1+2=3), which is known as a catalyst for change.

Additionally; during this 12th month of December, the Solstice is on the 21st of the month, of the year 2019 (2+0+1+9=12).  So we have a 12/21/12 gateway that breaks down to a 9 (1+2+2+1+1+2=9).  Nine represents the end of a cycle in many systems.   Nine 9 also contains within it 3 x’s 3  (3+3+3=9)

As we begin to understand sacred geometry, we see fractals and repeating patterns that collaborate, and have many deeper levels of meaning.  Here are some of the relationships of the coming weeks.

Spiritually, the Winter Solstice is known as a time meant to reflect and recreate ourselves. And the solstice itself is a representation of personal awakening.  This year the Universe is gifting us with the 9 energy of endings and letting go during this juncture. We can work with the momentum of the 9 energy of endings to release limitations:  like an outdated pattern, addiction or belief system. 

The energy of the entire month of December supports us in change.  And the portal of the Solstice offers support around recreating ourselves, or transforming lower energies into their higher values.  

In the higher octaves, the vibration of the 9 brings a protective energy of great power and love into our experience.  Its’ themes are wisdom, selflessness, compassion and responsibility.  The ultimate goal of the number 9 is to serve humanity.


  With that in mind, I am using the higher octaves of this sacred geometry to launch a new version of my offerings in Boulder, Colorado. 


If you are in the area, you can visit me at the new space, and if you are further out, I am expanding my menu of Energy Healings.  I’ll share some details below:

The office is located in:

The Integrative Healing Center
3405 Penrose Pl, Suite 102, Boulder CO

Starting on December 23rd, I will be offering sessions on Mondays and Tuesdays from 1pm – 7pm for Craniosacral and Massage therapy sessions.

Energy Healing sessions are usually held at a distance, via phone/whats app/skype etc… so in addition to the Monday/Tuesday office times, there are additional time slots available each week.

I will be providing; Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Energy Healing, Massage Therapy and Pet/house sitting

All Craniosacral therapy and Massage sessions are $15 off for your first visit in the new office!

6o minute sessions are $65 (regularly priced at $80)
1 hour massage

90 minute sessions are $105 (regularly priced at $120)
Biodynamic Cranio-sacral therapy sessions
90 minute massage therapy


And All Energy Healing Sessions are $121 through January, 2020
Quantum Healing sessions
Animal communications
 Clearings for the Home/Office/Space


Gift Certificates Available
For all of the sessions listed above. Ask me about the

Pet/House sitting – ($55 – $75 per day)
I’ve been providing this service since 2004, and continue to enjoy my time with the animals.  I use these opportunities to practice ‘thought form communication’, which is one way that human/animal communication has been described.  As I get to know the pets, we tend to form a special bond and have a lot of fun together!  My clients’ often arrive home and notice how happy their pets seem; they tend to be calm and well adjusted, even if this is not normally the case!  In addition to the animal communication, I provide the usual food/water/exercise duties and some household chores. 

I am currently booked for pet sitting through Christmas, but would be available for a New Year’s time slot beginning December 26th. Pet sitting services begin at $55 per day, and increase depending on the amount of animals I’m watching and the level of care that’s needed. Please email me at: with your details.

*** The opening week for the office is December 23rd and 24th from 1 – 7 pm. Please text or email me to make an appointment.

cell: (970) 420-8952

Follow me on Instagram @ awakening.111
Or Facebook

Feel free to pass this along to others who may be interested, and I hope to connect with you soon!

Best wishes,
Brooke LeClaire


Tools for Awakening 

Solstice special  ~  The sacred geometry configuration of this month is profound.  December is the 12th month of the year, and the Solstice is on the 21st of the month, of the year 2019 (2+0+1+9=12).  So we have a 12/21/12 gateway that breaks down (1+2+2+1+1+2=9) to a 9.   

Nine represents the end of a cycle in many systems.  Use the energy of endings to release an outdated pattern, addiction or belief system.  Utilize this portal of time to transform lower energies into their higher values.   In the higher octaves, the vibration of the 9 brings a protective energy of great power and love into our experience.  Its’ themes are wisdom, selflessness, compassion and responsibility.  The ultimate goal of the number 9 is to serve humanity.

Use a Quantum Healing to guide you through the energies of the month,  supporting you in transforming and manifesting in the ways that support your highest life.These sessions offer a blend of energy reading, clearing, healing and coaching.  They are a compilation of the best healing systems that I’ve found over the past 25 years, and offer tools for people who are awakening.   Here is a link for the full menu of sessions:  

** A session at the discounted rate of $121.00 US can be purchased until January 1, 2020; and may be completed anytime before January 31st, 2020.  Sessions may be also be purchased as a gift!  


Schedule a Quantum Healing Session

 1 Session specially priced at  $121 US


After you have made your purchase, you may send an e-mail to me at with your email address, and the times and days that work best for you.  Please use the same email address and name you used for the PayPal payment, or notify me if it is different.   Paypal will send me a notification, and I will contact you by email to create our session!


 Receive blog posts to your email

I write regular Blog postings on the Casa  and topics that are focused on  awareness and cultivating consciousness.  If you would like to receive my latest postings via email, feel free to sign up in the space provided the left hand column of each page of my website.




Perceptions and creating



In a mother’s womb were two babies. One asked the other: “Do you believe in life after delivery?”The other replied, “Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.”

“Nonsense,” said the first. “There is no life after delivery. What kind of life would that be?”

The second said, “I don’t know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat from our mouths. Maybe we will have other senses that we can’t understand now.”

The first replied, “That is absurd. Walking is impossible. And eating with our mouths? Ridiculous! The umbilical cord supplies nutrition and everything we need. But the umbilical cord is so short. Life after delivery is to be logically excluded.”

The second insisted, “Well I think there is something and maybe it’s different than it is here. Maybe we won’t need this physical cord anymore.”

The first replied, “Nonsense. And moreover, if there is life, then why has no one ever come back from there? Delivery is the end of life, and in the after-delivery, there is nothing but darkness and silence and oblivion. It takes us nowhere.”

“Well, I don’t know,” said the second, “but certainly we will meet Mother and she will take care of us.”

The first replied “Mother? You actually believe in Mother? That’s laughable. If Mother exists then where is She now?”

The second said, “She is all around us. We are surrounded by her. We are of Her. It is in Her that we live. Without Her, this world would not and could not exist.”

Said the first: “Well I don’t see Her, so it is only logical that She doesn’t exist.”

To which the second replied, “Sometimes, when you’re in silence and you focus and listen, you can perceive Her presence, and you can hear Her loving voice, calling down from above.”

This parable by Wayne Dyer beautifully explains our current situation for the Collective.  On the one hand, we want to be able to ‘see it to believe it’ and on the other, something beyond our current understanding promises to lie beyond.  The limited view isn’t promising, and yet it’s hard to believe that something better could exist outside of our perception…

The energy of November serves to bring up the shadows in order to reach a higher spiritual and mystical understanding. 

The tendency is to notice those shadows (or things that we judge, hate, condemn etc…) outside of ourselves, but the real task at hand is to work with the part of ourselves that matches what we witness, and to transform that within.  By doing so, we transform our own limitation as it relates to that area, and we also bring consciousness into the Quantum field to be shared by the entire collective.  This is the work on the frequency of Scorpio…

Everything that happens, be it on a personal or global level, whether it is a volcano erupting, an earthquake, a riot in one of your cities or a war, always reflects the unbalanced or repressed energy the people are holding within themselves. It reflects the anger, the fears, the deceptions, the greed, the human injustices, the grief, etc., that people are holding within their souls. They are nothing more than mirrors of what is out of alignment at the human level.

The problem is that people have not yet understood or realized how they are creating. Their creation does not necessary stem from this lifetime alone; and their lack of understanding has to be cleared before the new and perfect can be manifested. People create constantly with their moment-by-moment thoughts and feelings, their words and actions, and the internal dialogues in the mind during every waking hour.

People may say, I want the perfect body or marriage, but the thoughts and feelings they entertain most of the time do not support their desires. If someone were to show them, moment-by- moment, what their thoughts and feelings are, and how unbalanced they are in creating their reality, they would understand why they do not have the healthy or perfect body they desire, or the perfect relationship and abundance they want.

People have to really become conscious of their thoughts, feelings, words and actions. Words are very powerful, and you constantly reinforce their energy with your feelings. Yet words do not always match your feelings. You may say I want more money, but inside you feel poor. You want to be involved in a better relationship, but inside you feel you do not deserve it and you are not willing to weed out the garden of your soul in order to attract that perfect mate. You say, I want a perfect body, but inside you do not love yourself. You do not love your body as it is, and you are not in acceptance of the lessons you are learning with your body in its present form.

The body can only respond to love, and very few of you love yourself enough to nurture yourself and your body properly and consistently. Most of you do not give your body the proper nourishment it needs to rejuvenate and radiate perfect health. How then do you expect to create a perfect body for yourself? You constantly reaffirm what you do not want instead of what you want.

You live in a house of mirrors, and the universe gives you back much of what you create through your thoughts, feelings and words. When you decree “I am sick and tired of this and of that,” you are creating very powerful affirmations that return to you the energies you just named. You are constantly creating affirmations of what you don’t want. Be aware that the universe hears you and honors what you say. “If she says she is sick and tired, and keeps affirming it with so much strength and power, it must be what she wants. Let’s give it to her or him.” And so you get more of the same, and the mirrors keep reflecting.

~ Adama


The good news is that more and more of us are awakening, and we are becoming aware of the fact that everything we experience in our personal relationships, or as a society, a culture and country, are all mirrors created to reflect self and the collective consciousness.

Many of us are becoming aware of our thoughts, emotions, and subconscious programs.  We are stepping into our power and creating in new ways.  We are transforming the patterns that we’ve brought into this lifetime, and we are stepping up to overcome the obstacles that we experience to grow in consciousness. 

And on the 11th, a sacred geometry portal opens that creates transformation and new beginnings.  It has been considered a very important code activation by many cultures for centuries.  Under this energy, our potential for manifesting and intention setting will be strong.   It is a fantastic line-up for moving out of limitations and into higher octaves of vibration.  Use the sacred geometry of this time to help you to evolve, transform and create your best life.


Tools for Awakening 

Gateway special 11 ~  The theme of this month is 11.  November is the 11th month of the year, and 11/11 is a well known Gateway to higher levels of consciousness.  It is sacred geometry  and has been considered a very important code activation by many cultures for centuries.  The number 11 is a powerful number that signifies enlightenment and spiritual awakening.  It means a portal has been opened that creates transformation and new beginnings.  Under this energy, our potential for manifesting and intention setting will be strong. 

November is also the month of Scorpio. The Scorpio season brings in themes of power, life and death, intimacy, and deep emotions.  It is about facing our shadows in order to reach a higher spiritual and mystical understanding.  Use a Quantum Healing to guide you through the energies of the month, and support you in transforming in the ways that support your highest life.

These sessions offer a blend of energy reading, clearing, healing and coaching.  They are a compilation of the best healing systems that I’ve found over the past 25 years, and offer tools for people who are awakening.   Here is a link for the full menu of sessions:  

** A single session at the discounted rate of $137 (1+3+7=11) US can be purchased until December 11, 2019, and may be completed anytime before December 30th, 2019.


Schedule a Quantum Healing Session

 1 Session specially priced at  $137 US


After you have made your purchase, you may send an e-mail to me at with your email address, and the times and days that work best for you.  Please use the same email address and name you used for the PayPal payment, or notify me if it is different.   Paypal will send me a notification, and I will contact you by email to create our session!


 Receive blog posts to your email

I write regular Blog postings on the Casa  and topics that are focused on  awareness and cultivating consciousness.  If you would like to receive my latest postings via email, feel free to sign up in the space provided the left hand column of each page of my website.
