Cusp of an energy revolution


​As we are collectively navigating through the Eclipse/Solstice season of this surreal year, I’ve been seeing a similar message being presented in a variety of ways:  We are at the cusp of an energy revolution.  And we are entering the most intensified purification process that the Earth and the human kingdom has ever experienced.    Here’s a profound message from Maryam Hasnaa for you to ponder.

Your subtle feelings will soon become your primary guidance system for navigating through your experience. We need a certain level of life force energy to live our purpose. Our sources of internal energy come from channeling life force through us, as us, in the highest vibration. This vibration is that of pure joy, lightness, happiness, truth, grace, understanding and most simply love. It comes from the sun, food, the breath, sleep, exercise, experiences that uplift and nourish, recharging and a vast range of spiritual practices, such as meditation. Self care, self love and energetic boundaries are medicine for the soul. They are crucial to our well being and no longer considered a luxury. The new currency is vital life force energy exchange. 

A primary part of this consciousness shift is that we are increasing the vibration of our physical bodies to higher frequencies so that we can absorb more energy at the DNA level. Absorbing the wrong energy around us can deplete our ability to store internal energy. It is often necessary to clear out these energies before we can begin to truly tap into our own power. This may mean removing yourself from certain situations that feel depleting, letting negative relationships go, learning how to shield yourself properly, learning how to clear energy and most importantly learning how to cultivate higher energy vibration. 

It is imperative to learn energy practices for how you want to manage yourself as Spirit in a physical vessel. Pure source energy rejuvenates and creates without depletion. It is renewable and endless. It has the ability to heal and expand in ways that can transform all that comes in contact with it. 

Raising the vibration consists of clearing out dense energy that no longer serve us. It is the process of infusing our body with light. This can transform our physical bodies and elevate our consciousness. Learning to function as a multidimensional being, we can begin to step into our infinite potential. For most, this is a drastic lifestyle change. It requires mindfulness with every aspect of our being including what we eat, who we spend time with, what we expose our senses to, how we spend our time, what we think, what we speak into creation and most certainly healing our emotions and transcending our limited world view. 

When you make a commitment to this process of raising your vibration, expect to see dramatic changes. You may see all of your relationships transform. You may be surrounded by people who do not understand this process. You may feel compelled to move out of the environment that you are living in. You may feel confused and alone at times, questioning why you feel called to make such changes. It all depends on your own soul’s personal journey. The shift begins to happen on the very subtle etheric plane, the realm of thought and intention. Then with consistency and time, you eventually begin to see the fruits of the changes you made, manifesting into the physical realm, the realm of creation.

This is a path of being true to yourself, listening to the heart, living in the now moment and following your bliss. This path is about trusting the divine plan and the perfect unfoldment of life’s greatest miracles. This is the time we have chosen to awaken and fully step into our divine nature. Be certain that this planetary shift is happening beneath the surface in ways that are beyond what we can imagine. 

~ Maryam Hasnaa


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Quantum Healing Sessions ~

Schedule a Quantum Healing Session
$125.00 – 150.00 US for a one hour session. 
I have a sliding scale, and the ‘Pay Now’ button above will apply a fee of $150.  If you would like to pay a lesser amount, contact me via email.  If you choose to pay the full rate, then you would make your purchase before sending me an e-mail at  I will get a notification, and contact you by email to set up our session!


Look/See Mini Session ~

These are a mini version of the Quantum Healing Sessions.  In 30 minutes or less, I will look clairvoyantly at a single issue that you would like help with. I’ll shift the energy and communicate with you as I do.

These Mini sessions are perfect in a variety of ways:
  • If you have a single issue that you want some help with
  • If you’re on a budget
  • You haven’t tried my sessions before, and would like to sample the work before you invest in a full session.
  • As a gift
  • You are concerned with social distancing, and a phone/distance healing feels safe
$66.00 US  ~ 

After you have made your purchase, you may send an e-mail to me at with your email address, and the times and days that work best for you.   I will get a notification, and contact you by email to create our session!

Creating Spaces ~ Attunements

Healing and clearing attunements for homes, offices, and all of your spaces

$125.00 – $150.00 US for a one hour session.

Every space carries thought forms, which are vibrational blueprints that hold instructions for manifesting reality.

There is a predominate vibrational blueprint that influences each space.Thought forms leave a residue, so when the predominate energy conflicts with you in your alignment – you will feel uncomfortable.As more people are waking up, their sensitivity is increasing.They are noticing and feeling things that they haven’t in the past, and it’s becoming more important to find the tools to work with that.

These sessions help you to create a space that is peaceful, supportive and cohesive in a way that nurtures you. If you are in a life transition, looking to shift old and outdated patterns, interested in creating new energetics that support you in a positive growth forward, or wanting to create an environment that supports your intention and highest life – try a session to re-create your space!

Read more and book a session.


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