Meditation Tools/Classes


Spiritual Tools – We are in a time of great transition.  Many of us are finding that old patterns are no longer working for us, and we are being asked to shift in many ways.  The vibration of the planet is gaining speed, so it is easier to manifest.  With that in mind, it is important to become very clear on where you are putting your energy and attention.  In the Spiritual tools class you will start to create your life with more awareness.

Learn to find your true connection with self and spirit.  Create peace and shift your emotional states by releasing blocked energy.  Manage your own energy and your relationship to the energies of others around you.  Practicing these techniques will shift your awareness levels to help you tune into your own creativity and your own answers.
In this class, you will learn:
Deep grounding techniques that you can use in your everyday
Simple exercises to renew and replenish your energy
Create a safe boundary for your own personal energy field, helping you to stay neutral in “charged” situations
Perceive and work with subtle energy, feel the aura
Learn how to release unwanted energies, clear pain, and raise your vibration
Begin to open up and nurture a space that assists you in connecting with  your soul purpose, and living your truth
Advanced Spiritual Tools – For those who have taken Spiritual tools and want more! We will learn new skills and deepen what you’ve already learned.



Basic Tools 


These tools will help you to find your true connection with self and spirit. They will help you in creating peace for yourself, by shifting emotional states and releasing blocked energy. They will help you to manage your own energy and your relationship to the energies of others around you. Practicing these tools over time will increase your awareness, and help you to connect with higher realms of information, love, and support. This greater awareness will also help you to find your own answers within.


In this two part Meditation series we will:


  • Learn grounding techniques that help you to connect to Mother Earth, and release any energies that no longer serve you
  • Master the Gold Sun exercise to renew and replenish your energy
  • Run Earth and Cosmic energy to connect more with deeply with your authentic self, balance your energy, and raise your vibration
  • Create a safe boundary for your own personal energy field, helping you to emit a high frequency that can help you to hold a vibration of calm, happy, and peaceful without matching the pain, fear, and chaos around you.
  • Learn how to feel and connect with the aura
  • Use roses to to release unwanted energies, clear pain, and raise your vibration
  • Begin to open up and nurture a space that assists you in connecting with your higher self, your soul purpose, and living your truth


In Part 1:  Learn the first 3 basic tools

  • Grounding to help you to connect to Mother Earth, releasing any energies that no longer serve you
  • Gold Sun exercise to renew and replenish your energy
  • Run the Earth and Cosmic energy to connect more with deeply with your authentic self, bringing the wisdom and healing from the higher realms into the physical body, where you can benefit from it on practical levels – balancing the heaven and earth within you
  •  At the end of the session, I will lead you through a mediation that brings everything together
  • It is recommended that you practice these tools a handful of times before moving onto the Meditation tools part 2 video

Use the Paypal button below to purchase your Meditation tools video – part 1

            US  $35.00 



In Part 2:  Add on to your basic tools, and begin to practice a meditation that integrates all of the pieces 

  • Center of the head – the place of the ‘witness’ in meditation practices – where you begin moving out of reaction and into choice
  • The  protection rose, which helps you to learn how to feel and connect  with your own personal space (the aura) while creating a safe boundary for your own energy field, helping you to emit a high frequency that can help you to maintain a vibration that is happy or peaceful, without matching outside energy influences 
  • Sticky/working roses that help to clear unhelpful energy influences, transform pain, and raise your vibration  
  • At the end of the session, I will lead you through a mediation that brings everything together.  As you practice, you will begin to create and nurture a space within, where you can connect with your higher self and your truth.  And as you do this, you will begin to live the highest version of yourself.

Use the Paypal button below to purchase your Meditation tools video – part 2

           US  $35.00 


Once you have practiced and are ready for the next level, you can explore the Youthing and Becoming Quantum video series below!


Youthing and Becoming Quantum Course Video

I have had so much interest from people about the Youthing and Becoming Quantum webinar, that I’ve downloaded the entire 3 part course in a video mp4 format. You can watch the full series at your own leisure, in the comfort of your home! Use the paypal button below to explore the new energy paradigm,  the latest information on DNA, tools for Youthing, and effective ways for re-programming your body and your life. 

           US  $111.00 



“I am benefiting from Brooke’s wonderful healings and teaching.  Her purity allows her to employ guidance and assistance from the “entities” plus other spiritual beings which amplifies the work.  She has become a great and trusted ally in my quest for improved health and spiritual growth.  she has an extraordinary ability to be genuine as she tunes into her client’s issues and essence on many levels.  Her work is profound.”  Irene

“Brooke is an incredibly effective and intuitive healer that as helped me in the realms of health, emotion and spirit.  Her readings are accurate and can be felt from a distance.  Not only have I received clarity about past issues and my future plans, but she has also taught me how to tune into my own intuition and receive messages.  I feel grateful I can consult Brooke for guidance during my times of transition or when I am facing challenges.  I feel truly uplifted by the clarity I gain at the end of our sessions.”  Masha

A website for Healing and creating pathways for Awakening