Distant Healing with JOG



Hello everyone!

I’ve changed the name of my website. Nosso Lar Healing will be defunct in a few weeks, and the new name is:

Brooke LeClaire Healing

Future Blog posts will reflect the update!

As I make my way back to Brazil, I am offering an opportunity for anyone to receive a free healing from John of God and the Casa de dom Ignacio. 


Distant healing for yourself, family and friends can occur in two different ways


Healing Triangle

The Healing triangle is a direct portal to the Entities where you can put a note or a photo into the triangle.  It is a wonderful resource for communicating your hopes, needs and prayers to the entities, or to ask for help for pets and loved ones. 

There are currently three Healing triangles at the Casa.  One is on the front wall of the stage in the main hall, another in the chapel in the back garden, and a third on the back wall of the Intervention room facing the chapel.  The bases of the triangles are often stuffed with notes and photographs, and over the years millions of people have had amazing results.

Anyone’s photo may be placed in one of the Healing triangles at the Casa; including pets, children, and loved ones. If they don’t have a specific request, this can be used as a blessing, to help anyone in their highest good. 

This service is free!

 Distant Healing with JOG

I can take your photo personally to John of God (JOG). At the time of the photo presentation, JOG will give me a prescription for blessed herbs, and the person in the photo will receive a healing in that moment. I will fill the prescription at the Casa, then the blessed herbs will be transported back to the USA for mailing.   (The mail system in Brazil is unreliable and many things have gotten lost through the years, so this has become our best alternative.)  Everyone receives the same kind of herbs called “Passiflora”, or ground up passion flower leaves. However, each bottle is energized by the entity specifically to meet the needs of the individual in the photo.

There is a dietary/alcohol restriction while you take the blessed herbs… If the person having their photo presented does not want to follow the diet/alcohol restrictions, their photo can be placed into one of the Healing triangles instead. 

Here is a link for the details of a photo presentation: http://www.brookeleclairehealing.com/distant-healings/.  The web page will provide the specifics around the diet while taking the herbs, and present more clarity around the process of having a Distant Healing with John Of God.  

Photo presentation with Blessed Herbs

$85.00 U.S.


Here’s the preferred format for all photos

  • A recent photo (within 6 months – preferably wearing white)
  • Person’s full name
  • Date of Birth
  • Current address (where you will be done when the work is done, and a mailing address for the herbs)
  • Issues/requests for the Entities to address
  • Email your photo/information before October 1, 2018 to: brookeleclaire@gmail.com
  • Write in the subject line if you are sending a photo for the Free Healing Triangle or a Distant Healing with JOG


Deepen your commitment to Loving yourself, healing, and transforming your life with a healing journey to John of God 


Sacred journey to JOG

 Join me on a sacred journey to visit John of God at the Casa Dom Inacio, in Abadiania, Brazil.   The trip to see JOG is often life changing, and people leave Brazil differently than how they arrived.  Miracles are alive and well at the Casa…   John of God is known as the most powerful healer on the planet, and the feeling of Love that permeates the Casa is palpable.  Things are very different here!  As your guide, I will help you to understand the process and allow you to focus on your process with ease.

I’m currently booking for :
October 15 – 27, 2018


Use this link for more information on how to book a trip to JOG.


If you are ready to join me on a life changing journey, a deposit will reserve your space.  

Make your first step here!



You will come to that pristine moment when you love yourself perfectly.  You will recognize the Universe that you have created, and you will remember that you are the I AM.  Until that time, walk sweetly with yourself.  Find every possible reason to love who you are. 

~  Brooke LeClaire


 Quantum Healing Special!


Ending Agreements. The world seems to be unraveling before our very eyes!  Enormous wrong doings are becoming public in a variety of areas and things that have been kept secret for eons are now coming to light.  It’s wonderful on one hand, and means that the light is getting too strong to support those areas any longer.  It can also be unsettling and fearful…  As the new paradigm presents, many of the old agreements that were made in the fear based 3d survival paradigm are needing to shift.  

It’s helpful to end agreements when you notice that you are sabotaging your progress, having situations or reactions that repeat over and over without resolution, or finding yourself locked into a situation that seems immoveable.  These sessions find the origin of the agreement, reveal the lesson that your soul was engaged in learning about, and breaks the agreement.  These sessions allow you to have more of your own personal power, to create your goals in present time.

This special can be purchased until October 1, 2018; and both sessions may be completed anytime before November 15th, 2018.


Schedule a Quantum Healing Special

2 Sessions for $200.00 US

After you have made your purchase, you may send an e-mail to me at brookeleclaire@gmail.com with your email address, and the times and days that work best for you.  Please use the same email address and name you used for the PayPal payment, or notify me if it is different.   Paypal will send me a notification, and I will contact you by email to create our session!


Schedule a Quantum Healing Session

If you are interested in something other than ending agreements you can book a session at the standard rate. Here is a link for the full menu of Quantum Healing sessions:  

Healings are $150.00 US  for a one hour session.  

 After you have made your purchase, you may send an e-mail to me at brookeleclaire@gmail.com with your email address, and the times and days that work best for you.  Please use the same email address and name you used for the PayPal payment, or notify me if it is different.   Paypal will send me a notification, and I will contact you by email to create our session!


 Receive blog posts to your email

I write regular Blog postings on the Casa  and topics that are focused on  awareness and cultivating consciousness.  If you would like to receive my latest postings via email, feel free to sign up in the space provided the left hand column of each page of my website.




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