Join me for a Transformational journey to John of God


For over 50 years, people from all over the world have traveled to a small city called Abadiania, in the heart of Brazil to visit John of God at the Casa Dom Inacio.   People come to JOG for many different reasons.  They may be healing an illness, in the process of releasing trauma, or consciously shifting limiting beliefs/patterns.  A lot of people who visit JOG are striving to develop their mediumship and grow spiritually.  Currently, over eight and a half million people have received healing from John of God, who is known as one of the most powerful healers in the world! 

The energy of Abadiania is unlike any other I’ve experienced. The Casa itself operates on many different levels, and it is a portal of elevated energy of pure unconditional love and consciousness. A well known saying is that “the veils are thin in Abadiania.” Over time, I’ve come to realize that the portal heightens our connection to Source and pure unconditional Love in a such a way that we can embody it…   And that changes us profoundly.



The process is different than what we know in many of our cultures.   The Casa recognizes that true and permanent healing takes place when you create balanced healing at all levels.  The belief is that all of our issues are spiritual in nature.  Any (health) problems, no matter what form they take or whatever name they have been given, are caused by a lack of harmony,  past or present imbalances, and unresolved issues in the emotional body.  In order to heal the body we must first heal the deep-seated feelings that cause the disturbances. When harmony in the emotional body is restored, the body will align easily and the healing we seek will become permanent.

The entire Casa experience is designed for self inquiry, so that we can connect with those parts of ourselves that no longer serve, and use the elevated levels of love, support, and wisdom of the high vibrational energy to help us transform and heal.  

It is common for visitors of the Casa to  have a feeling of being deeply loved and supported.  The heightened energy may give someone hope, or boost their confidence in believing that they can make the change they are wanting even though  previous efforts failed.  It could lovingly show them a  blind spot that needs to shift in order for them to move forward in their goals.  And many find that they have finally opened their heart enough to forgive who and what they weren’t willing to before – because they realize that in holding onto the un-forgiveness they are only holding themselves back. 

The inner work is ours alone.  We must make space for our miracle, and we need to be able to receive.  As we become truly present with what needs to heal within ourselves, come to a place of surrender, and allow Grace to transform us – the changes we are wanting can be manifested.  


The energy of unconditional love and high consciousness that permeates the Casa, helps us to lift up higher and more quickly than we could alone; helping us to believe until our faith is strong enough… 

Coincidences are common, and we get “help” from beyond the veil at every turn – whether that’s through a synchronistic conversation with someone, an inner guidance, or even a dream during the night.  As we sit in current, or rest after a spiritual intervention,  we are able to receive love and healing on levels that are deeper than most of us have ever known.  



There is a benevolent energy of pure consciousness just waiting for us to connect with.  As we go within and think higher thoughts, we begin to connect with the higher forces in the Universe. And as our minds create an affinity with the higher planes, we begin to attract greater light and grace into our lives.


As you become aware of the things that have troubled you, you discover that hidden beneath your emotional reactions have been crystals of pain that have been buried. And as you move these crystals of pain up into the daylight where you can look at them, you find the origin of the pain,  and you begin to see how you have been wounded.   And as you release this wound and forgive it, you recover a part of your whole self.

As you continue in your examination, day after day and year after year, you become aware that there are things in your life that  have repeatedly troubled you. And that gives you the hint as to why you are here. For each human being comes into incarnation with an incarnational plan. It is not a plan that is predestined. It is a very flexible, changeable plan.

-RA, The Law Of One



Not only does your trip benefit you,  it helps others too ~


You have all come here to clear energies that prevent you from reaching a higher vibration, and a greater level of enjoyment. Each time you clear old energy or heal an old emotional pattern, you create openings for new and expanded energies to come in. In addition, the clearing provides a release for everyone on the planet. Each of you holds a different piece of group consciousness that you volunteered to clear for humanity and for the planet. This is an important task, and it is time to recognize it.

~ Adama


Deepen your commitment to Loving yourself, healing, and transforming your life with a transformational journey to John of God 

Sacred journey to JOG

  Join me on a sacred journey to visit John of God at the Casa Dom Inacio, in Abadiania, Brazil.   The trip to see JOG is often life changing, and people leave Brazil differently than how they arrived.  Miracles are alive and well at the Casa…   John of God is known as the most powerful healer on the planet, and the feeling of Love that permeates the Casa is palpable.  Things are very different here!  As your guide, I will help you to understand the process and allow you to focus on your healing with ease.

I’m currently booking for :
October 15 – 27, 2018


Use this link for more information on how to book a trip to JOG.


If you are ready to join me on a life changing journey, a deposit will reserve your space.  

Make your first step here!




You will come to that pristine moment when you love yourself perfectly.  You will recognize the Universe that you have created, and you will remember that you are the I AM.  Until that time, walk sweetly with yourself.  Find every possible reason to love who you are. 

~  Brooke LeClaire


 Quantum Healing Special!


Deprogramming/Filters.  Programming or conditioning is a normal part of our upbringing.  Our parents, teachers, religious leaders, and folks in any type of  authority role show children how to be.  It’s how we learn manners, cultural norms, and how to fit into society. 

However when the programming/conditioning is out of date,  dysfunctional, or keeps the client from their higher goals, then deprogramming becomes important.  Programming/conditioning creates a filter which influences every experience, and when it is out of alignment with the higher soul purpose, it becomes essential to shift the dynamic in order to move forward.   

Here’s one example of the Gender filter:  A parent tells a child – “a good girl does…  or a brave boy does…”  (this is the programming or conditioning), then the child either does what they are told or rebels (this becomes the filter that shapes their life).  Did you know that we also have filters around frustration, worry, forgiveness, abundance, and love?  Filters affect many areas of our lives including religion, health our profession and our ability to believe in ourselves (to name a few)…  These sessions identify the filters, and clear the programming/conditioning that is not in alignment with the client’s  goals, highest potential and authentic self.   

This special can be purchased  until September 1, 2018, and can be completed anytime before October 1st, 2018.


Schedule a Quantum Healing Session

$100.00 US

After you have made your purchase, you may send an e-mail to me at with your email address, and the times and days that work best for you.  Please use the same email address and name you used for the PayPal payment, or notify me if it is different.   Paypal will send me a notification, and I will contact you by email to create our session!


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I write regular Blog postings on the Casa  and topics that are focused on  awareness and cultivating consciousness.  If you would like to receive my latest postings via email, feel free to sign up in the space provided the left hand column of each page of my website.




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