Summer Fun


I love summer,  but’s not always the easiest time for pets.  Between thunderstorms and fireworks, summer can be challenging for our sensitive Fur babies.  Animal communication sessions are a fun and easy way to give support to your pet.  

I recently worked with a pooch who has a lot of trepidation around rain, thunder, hail and fireworks.  As the session progressed, I asked how I could support her, and she showed me an oversized umbrella!  When I mentioned it to the dog’s Mom, she exclaimed in delight that it had been recommended many years ago by her (beloved and now deceased) Animal communicator!  The old umbrella wasn’t working so well anymore and the dog wanted an ‘update’.  I created the protective energetic umbrella in a bigger way, so that her now larger body would fit underneath fully.  I then added special features for either rain, thunder, hail or fireworks.  Both owner and pet left happy, and it was a very fulfilling session:)

Animal communication sessions can be helpful in a variety of ways:

  • Pet behavior Issues
  • Pet Health Issues
  • Life Changes/Transitions –
    • If you are thinking about introducing a new pet into your pet family.
    • Helping you to choose an additional pet that would fit best with your pet family
    • When there’s a change in the dynamic between the humans (someone new joins or leaves the family)
    • Helping a sensitive pet to regain their balance when there is a high level of turmoil or household stress
  • Pet Trauma
  • End of Life Issues
  • Deepening your bonds with your animal companions
  • Learning about your agreements with your pet

 Learn more about Animal Communication with this link:

These sessions are 60 minutes, the rate is $175, and they can be booked online or by contacting me directly:

by text:  970-420-8952

  or email:

Clairvoyant Readings/Healings, Animal Communication, and Attunements for Homes/ Office Spaces by phone

Craniosacral Therapy, Energy Healing, and Massage in Boulder, CO


Brooke LeClaire Healing
(970) 420-8952



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