An Update on the Casa and Medium Joao

For decades, the Casa de Dom Inacio has been operating under the leadership of Joao Teixeira da Faria or John of God. In December of 2018, Medium Joao was arrested on charges of Sexually Abusing women, and days later received an additional charge of possession of Arms. Globo News of Brazil broke the story, featuring women who told their personal stories with Medium Joao. Hundreds of women have come forward since the news broke, and this has created the first case of a “ME TOO” movement in Brazil.

In the past weeks, two updates have come from affiliates of the Casa in Abadiania. The first is from the owners of Pousada Luz Divina, and the second is from Diego, one of the Casa volunteers. I will share both below:

NEWS OF MEDIUM JOAO – courtesy of Pousada Luz Divina

For the many who have written to request information and been waiting patiently, we’ve included a chronological synopsis of the ongoing events with more detailed information as to the judicial and media course of actions around Medium Joao’s ongoing situation physically and judicially.

The legal status of Medium Joao is still in process. We have included the most relevant information from the State and from his lawyers known to us, and will continue to provide updates in future newsletters.

Friday, Dec. 7th, 2018 – We first became aware of allegations against Medium Joao when a program aired on a national televised broadcast on Globo, called Conversations with Bial. Several women spoke out on their alleged experiences behind closed doors of Medium Joao’s private office.

Wednesday, Dec. 12th, 2018 – Medium Joao arrived at CASA de Dom Inacio as usual in the morning. The CASA was swarmed by dozens of reporters onsite. Medium Joao made his way to the stage at the front of the great hall. Given the swarm of the Media, it was impossible for him to work in the Current rooms. As he turned to leave, Medium Joao spoke to Santa Rita asking her to take his place in his absence. He was then escorted to safety by the CASA Management and Volunteers back outside to his car.For the many who have written to request information and been waiting patiently, we’ve included a chronological synopsis of the ongoing events with more detailed information as to the judicial and media course of actions around Medium Joao’s ongoing situation physically and judicially.

Friday, Dec. 7th, 2018 – We first became aware of allegations against Medium Joao when a program aired on a national televised broadcast on Globo, called Conversations with Bial. Several women spoke out on their alleged experiences behind closed doors of Medium Joao’s private office.

Friday, Dec. 16th, 2018 – A “Preventive Custody Warrant” was issued by Judge Fernando Augusto Chacha de Rezende prior to any formal charges being issued.

Sunday Dec. 18th, 2018 – Medium Joao surrendered to the authorities and still remains in custody pending trial.

Here is a link to access the entire brief synopsis of the ‘Ongoing Events’.

Update from Diego – Casa Volunteer

For the last four decades the Casa has been operating in Abadiânia with Medium João at the helm. Since the incidents starting last December, the Casa staff and volunteers have had to learn to operate without his presence. This has required some adjustments to the protocols and routines.

We also have had to make the jump from a connection through the man to a direct connection with the spirits. For many of us that was already in place, so the transition was not as hard. Yet for many others the transition has proven unsurmountable, at least for the time being.

We are happy to report, however that the current rooms are nearly full each day and that everyone reports powerful experiences. Some people have reported physical healings from their participation. As he said many times Medium João never healed anyone, it was God and the benevolent spirits who did the healing. His life mission has been to open a portal on earth where the spirits could do this healing work. He accomplished that and his mission has evolved over the years.

Today, God and the spirits have arranged for this exquisite drama to unfold that has left the Casa without its founder. But make no mistake about it, the portal is still open and the entities are doing their work. This portal is held open by the hearts and minds of all those who were touched by its power.

All of us have shared many things in Abadiania. People have different experiences and are touched in different ways. Surely all of us have at one time or another been touched by the incredible sunsets in Abadiania after a day in current.

Those beautiful experiences are still available even though there is no medium sitting in the chair.The casa is still open. The current is powerful and sweet.Many people are reporting healings taking place. Many more state that the energy is stronger now than it ever was. However, the number of visitors is greatly reduced, and many pousadas are closed. If you are coming, make sure to connect directly with the pousada to be certain they have the availability and staff to take care of you.

Many foreign visitors have visited in the last couple of months and their trips have been rewarding. Newcomers have been very touched by the experience and old timers say this was the most powerful trip they had ever had.

While groups are still traveling to the Casa, they are in much smaller numbers. I don’t personally have any trips organized, but I would be happy to assist people as a guide if there was a group of 5 or more people who wanted to focus on their healing or Mediumship with the Entities through meditation, some spiritual guidance, and support.

I’ll share a link for a short video of the Casa below. It features a song that has been played frequently at the beginning of the meditation sessions in the current rooms, or during one of the longer sessions mid-way through. Not only is it a beautiful piece, but it is also a helpful tool in helping us to re-focus. For me personally, it acts as a catalyst, reminding me to become present in the moment with an open heart. The video offers a vibration of Love, which has always been at the Heart of the Casa de Dom Inacio.


Use this link to watch the video

2 thoughts on “An Update on the Casa and Medium Joao”

  1. I would like to come to the casa with my wife.
    I understand some Posada’s are not open.
    How do I contact Posada Luz Davina
    To make a reservation?

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