Medical Intuitive Healings

Trauma, emotional and mental stress, false belief systems, and blocks to our personal growth can be stored in the energy fields of our body, impacting our ability to function at our full potential. These blocks can obstruct the vital flow of energy through our body and the energy systems that are necessary for our health and well-being. For example, a physical issue may have its root cause in early childhood trauma.  Or there could be an inherited ancestral pattern that needs to be released in order to transcend an ongoing issue. 

Medical intuitive Sessions promote physical and emotional well-being, vitality, creativity, self healing, and personal growth.   

These sessions can be held remotely or in person.   I’ll have you bring an intention for your healing – with the physical issue that has manifested and the energetic patterns that you have noticed. After creating a safe space for the session, I will read your energy field as it is currently presenting. Disruptive Energies  will be cleared and transformed,  and I will attune your energy field  to a higher vibration with a healing.  I will also share my findings and any helpful insights

From this higher level of alignment one experiences a new level of cohesion. You may feel different energetically, have more clarity, experience a shift in your perception, see new levels of freedom and choice, and find that something has healed physically.